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about the artist

My name is Melissa Snapp.

I am a local Florida artist!

I am the owner and artist of Catolena Trading Post. 

I am a self taught artist and I am always trying something new!

One day I might paint a horse, my best friends pup or a great white shark

 and the next I am making whales out of trash!

Oh yeah… I am a photographer too!

You never know what I will come up with next!

I absolutely love animals and art! 

Art has not always been my first passion!

I worked with horses for many years; I wanted to start my own horse rescue,

 But life happened and I met my wonderful husband,

he joined the Army and we moved to Texas and our military journey began.

I was the FRG leader for his unit.

I took an online course and learned photography. 

My husband was medically retired from the Army we moved back to Florida.

 I got an AMAZING job at Discovery Cove as a photographer,

where I got to basically hang out with dolphins all day every day! REALLY EVERYDAY!

Now I find myself here! Building my little business! 


why catolena?

No it’s not the Catalina Wine Mixer lol…

The name Catolena came about by merging my 2 favorite things together.

 It’s my love of horses and country life and my love for dolphins and the sea.

Catolena is a mash up of a horse named Cody, whose grandfather was a famous horse named Doc O'lena

and my FAVORITE dolphin Catalina!

 It’s like God had a plan with my crazy life.

I went with Trading Post because,

 Catolena is where you will find everything from the saddle to the sea!

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